วันอังคารที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555

Many agents will be aware of the ill-feeling being directed.

In addition to being a tool that provides a location and journey history, Lone Worker GPS Tracking devices, now also serve as personal security devices and include the ability to make and receive voice calls, send a Panic Alarm, which when pressed, transmits an Alarm message with the precise location of the device carrier. Many units also include a Motion Sensor which transmits an alert location if the carrier falls, is lying prone and perhaps requires emergency assistance. Businesses and organizations, who may have initially introduced GPS Location technology such as vehicle tracking, primarily to maximize the efficient use of their fleet and drivers, are now finding that GPS Location and Tracking technology can also help them meet their other duties and responsibilities. Matthew Wright is the publisher of the UK Telematics Online website. Vehicle Telematics solutions such as vehicle tracking are now widely available from a huge number of suppliers; many of whom promote themselves as the "market leader" and promise to deliver 'cost benefit' and 'return on investment.' With extensive experience of working with both suppliers and customers "I feel that users of vehicle telematics, if they are actually to see the benefits promised by suppliers and manufacturers, want and need to be better informed." Over the years there have been numerous reports concerning the problems faced by real estate agents, when showing properties. Obviously, safety is a major factor and is covered in considerable detail in the training of home sales professionals. And while many other industries face the same potential problems, when it comes to lone working with members of the public, real estate seems to be the one profession that really worries people. They may be showing empty properties, with little or no previous knowledge of the person they are meeting. And over the years there have been enough tragic stories to make even the most relaxed realtor cautious. At them by some less stable members of society, in the wake of the housing crisis. Unable to come to terms with a foreclosure or inability to sell a property, they may well hold housing professionals to blame. But not only do agents need to be aware of bogus clients, but the rise in unemployment and homelessness in some parts of the country, has seen an increase in the numbers of squatters moving into empty properties. Many predatory attackers single out women, and female real estate agents can easily find themselves the targets of sexual, or serious physical, assaults.lone working risk assessment, lone working procedure, lone working alarms, lone working law, lone working guidance Sometimes the aggressors are robbers, taking advantage of an opportunity, but from time to time, planned attacks are committed, occasionally resulting in murder. As homes become increasingly difficult to sell in some areas, there may be the temptation to hold more open houses, and therefore potentially increase the risks involved. Unfortunately, as aware of the risks involved as most agents are, it seems that little can be done to change the situation. Most agents agree that there is pretty much only one way to do business, and it usually involves being in the company of people with whom they have to put their trust. Thankfully the majority of agents are routinely trained in personal safety, and are aware of the signs to look for.